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I have been in the Horticulture and Forestry industry for 35+ years, starting as a young apprentice.  In this time, I have worked in both the private and public sectors. I am currently working for a local parish council. With the understanding of working in both sectors this has enabled me to appreciate the hard work officers and volunteers contribute in making the most of limited budgets and resources.  I am very passionate about public open spaces, woodlands and play areas for everybody to enjoy. With this passion I understand the positive impact these areas can have on everyone’s wellbeing. Wherever I work I always strive to make local amenity areas clean and inviting for everybody to enjoy. I am a judge for the Thames and Chilterns region RHS Britain in Bloom competition, and this has enabled me to see the same dedication and determination of other professionals and volunteers.

When I’m not working you will properly find me on my motorcycle or snowboarding.


Thames & Chilterns in Bloom are grateful for the continuing support of our sponsors


They've been providing floral & horticultural services since 1947


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